About Stephen

I’m a science writer in Nashville, Tennessee, who covers math, physics, astronomy and cancer research. My book Math Art: Truth, Beauty, and Equations was published in April 2019. My next book, Breakdown: A Brief History of the End of the Universe and Everything in It, is scheduled to be published by Norton in 2025.

I work from a converted office shed in my backyard. I am a Writer-in-Residence at Vanderbilt University, where I teach science communication to undergraduates and graduate students.

My work has appeared in Scientific American, Discover, New Scientist, Physics World, Science News Explores, and other outlets. I’ve received three AAAS/Kavli science journalism awards, and my work has been recognized by awards from the Association of Health Care Journalists and the American Society of Journalists and Authors. My feature article on the longest math proof in history appeared in the 2016 volume of Best American Science and Nature Writing.

My non-science nonfiction has appeared in the New Haven Review, and my fiction has appeared in The Portland Review, Arcadia, Vestal Review, Bartleby Snopes, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, Prime Number, The Adirondack Review, and One Story.

Thanks for visiting! Email me at stephen – at – stephenornes – dot – com.